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African Violet, Saintpaulia 4"
African Violet, Saintpaulia 4"
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Party Time' 2"
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Party Time' 2"
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Party Time' 4"
Alternanthera ficoidea 'Party Time' 4"
Aluminum Plant, Pilea cadierei 'Variegata' 4"
Aluminum Plant, Pilea cadierei 'Variegata' 4"
Anthurium Flowering - Rainbow Champion 4"
Anthurium Flowering - Rainbow Champion 4"
Birds Nest Fern Victoria 4"
Birds Nest Fern Victoria 4"
Calathea 'White Fusion' 4"
Calathea 'White Fusion' 4"
Calathea makoyana 4"
Calathea makoyana 4"
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Cat Palm Chamaedorea cataractarum 10"
Cat Palm Chamaedorea cataractarum 10"
Chlorophytum Assorted 2"
Chlorophytum Assorted 2"
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Delta Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum raddianum 4"
Delta Maidenhair Fern, Adiantum raddianum 4"
Fern - Staghorn, Platycerium bifurcatum 4"
Fern - Staghorn, Platycerium bifurcatum 4"
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Fittonia 'Red Flame' 4"
Fittonia 'Red Flame' 4"
Hoya Wayetii 'Tricolor' 4”
Hoya Wayetii 'Tricolor' 4”
Hoya kerii sweetheart 4"
Hoya kerii sweetheart 4"
Lipstick Plant, Aeschynanthus 'Twister' 4"
Lipstick Plant, Aeschynanthus 'Twister' 4"
Maranta leuconeura 'Massangeana'
Maranta leuconeura 'Massangeana'
Money Tree, Pachira aquatica 4"
Money Tree, Pachira aquatica 4"
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Neanthe Bella Palm, Chamaedorea elegans 8"
Neanthe Bella Palm, Chamaedorea elegans 8"
Nerve Plant, Fittonia 'Pink Anne' 2"
Nerve Plant, Fittonia 'Pink Anne' 2"
Nerve Plant, Fittonia 'Zalm Ruby Lime' 4"
Nerve Plant, Fittonia 'Zalm Ruby Lime' 4"
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Nerve Plant, Fittonia Assorted 4"
Nerve Plant, Fittonia Assorted 4"
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Peacock Moss, Selaginella uncinata 4"
Peacock Moss, Selaginella uncinata 4"
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Peperomia 'Hope' 4"
Peperomia 'Hope' 4"
Peperomia 'Pepperspot' 6"
Peperomia 'Pepperspot' 6"
Peperomia Angulata 4"
Peperomia Angulata 4"
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Peperomia Pepperspot 4"
Peperomia Pepperspot 4"
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Peperomia caperata 'Red Luna' 4"
Peperomia caperata 'Red Luna' 4"
Peperomia, Peperomia argyreia 'Watermelon' 4"
Peperomia, Peperomia argyreia 'Watermelon' 4"
Pilea Baby Tears, Pilea depressa 4"
Pilea Baby Tears, Pilea depressa 4"
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Ponytail Palm, Beaucarnea recurvata 6"
Ponytail Palm, Beaucarnea recurvata 6"
Prayer Plant Red, Maranta leuconeura 4"
Prayer Plant Red, Maranta leuconeura 4"
Prayer Plant, Calathea fasciata 4"
Prayer Plant, Calathea fasciata 4"
Rabbit's Foot Fern, Davallia feejensis 4"
Rabbit's Foot Fern, Davallia feejensis 4"
Rattlesnake Plant, Calathea lancifolia 6"
Rattlesnake Plant, Calathea lancifolia 6"
Rattlesnake, Calathea lancifolia 4"
Rattlesnake, Calathea lancifolia 4"
Scotch Moss, Sagina subulata 'Aurea' 4"
Scotch Moss, Sagina subulata 'Aurea' 4"
Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum 'Bonnie' 4"
Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum 'Bonnie' 4"
Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum 6"
Spider Plant, Chlorophytum comosum 6"
Strawberry Begonia, Saxifraga stolonifera 'Tricolor' 2"
Strawberry Begonia, Saxifraga stolonifera 'Tricolor' 2"
String of Turtles, Peperomia prostrata - HB 6"
String of Turtles, Peperomia prostrata - HB 6"
Stromanthe Sanguinea 6"
Stromanthe Sanguinea 6"
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Stromanthe Triostar, Stromanthe sanguinea tricolor 6"
Stromanthe Triostar, Stromanthe sanguinea tricolor 6"
Urban Earth Grown!
Team Daisy Fund
Team Daisy Fund
Team Daisy
$0.00 or more
Wax Plant, Hoya carnosa 4"
Wax Plant, Hoya carnosa 4"
Zebra Plant, Aphelandra squarrosa 6"
Zebra Plant, Aphelandra squarrosa 6"