Ease of care: Medium!
Water: Likes humidity and moisture. Keep soil evenly moist at all times, but not wet or soggy. Mist leaves, or keep pot on a tray of wet pebbles to create humidity. Use distilled or rain water as fluoride in tap water can cause damage to the delicate leaves. Reduce watering in winter.
Light: Bright, indirect sunlight.
Growth Habit/Height: Can grow up to 2 feet tall.
Soil: Peat moss-based potting mix is best, as it holds onto moisture.
Propagation: Calatheas can be propagated by division when repotting. Keep new divisions warm and moist by covering the pot with plastic and providing reduced light until active growth starts again. The plant should be repotted every year or every other year into fresh potting mix. Divide it at repotting time.
Repotting: Every 1-2 years in the spring.
Fertilizing: Feed monthly with a balanced house plant fertilizer diluted by half spring through fall. All purpose or indoor fertilizer with equal NPK values. N = Nitrogen, helps the plant have healthy foliage. P= Phosphorus, helps with root, bud, and seed growth. K = Potash, helps with the overall health of the plant.
Toxicity to pets: Non-toxic!