Ease of care: Challenging. Require high humidity and/or daily misting.
Water: Soil should stay moist at all times, but not overly damp. Water on the sides of the plant rather than overhead.
Light: Bright light, some eastern direct light is great.
Growth Habit/Height: Bushy to 2 feet wide.
Propagation: From spores. Place a mature leaf (with brown spores on the back of the leaves) on a piece of paper. Let it dry for a few days. The spores will dry out and drop off the leaf. Grab a small clear tupperware with a top and put a layer of seedling mix on the bottom. Then add a layer of vermiculite on top, but only on one half. Mist the soils a few times. Pour the spores from the piece of paper into the tupperware and close with the top. Place it in a well light, but non-direct location. Make sure you always see condensation on the lid. If there is no visible water droplets open the tupperware and mist a few times. Wait two weeks. The opened container will look like its covered in a layer of moss. It's working! Wait a bit longer and proper ferns will develop. Keep moist and when the plants are more established move them to a bigger container in seedling mix. Eventually, when the plants are a few inches tall, move to a potting mix.
Repotting: Every year, in the Spring. Once it is 1 foot or 2 feet tall repot every couple years.
Fertilizing: All purpose or indoor fertilizer with equal NPK values. Use at half-strength. N = Nitrogen, helps the plant have healthy foliage. P= Phosphorus, helps with root, bud, and seed growth. K = Potash, helps with the overall health of the plant. Fertilize every month between April and October.
Toxicity to animals: Non-toxic.