Espalier, a French word derived from the Italian spalliera, which means “something to rest the shoulder (spalla) against,” is the art, or process, of controlling plant growth in a flat plane, usually against a wall or fence, or along a trellis. The term – pronounced “es-PAL-yer” or “es-PAL-yay”– also refers to the plant itself grown in this way. Originally it defined the trellis, or frame, the tree was trained to but this meaning is no longer used.
This horticultural technique trains woody trees or shrubs through pruning and tying to create two-dimensional plants, often in specific patterns. Because a plant pruned in this way uses far less space, it is ideal for small gardens and in narrow spaces where spreading trees or shrubs will not fit.
This Espaliered Camellia has bright fuscia anemone-form flowers. Heavy blooming shrub from mid to late spring. Moderate upright growth to 8' x 6' w. Evergreen. Zones 6-9.